club by-laws

Article I - Name and Purpose
The club shall be known as Hells Legion Motorcycle Club. The club was found on November 20, 1975. The purpose of the organization shall be to promote interest in motorcycle riding and to encourage fellowship amongst its members.

Article II - General Membership
All people who are interested in the promotion of safe motorcycling, for which this Club was formed, are eligible for membership.

Amendment to Arcitle II
To apply for membership in Hells Legion Motorcycle Club:

A. You must be 18 years old.
B. You must be interested in the sport of motorcycling.
C. You must attend two club meetings or events within a three (3) month period.

After meeting all the above criteria, the potential member may then be voted on at the third consecutive regular meeting, with 51% of members present at such meeting required to accept or deny membership. If a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote.

Article III - Club Officers
Section I - Officers of the Club shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms and Road Captain.

Section II - Officers will be elected. Terms of office will be one year.

Section III - 55% of the total voting membership must be present before elections can be held. ("Voting membership" are members who attend at least one meeting in the past three months prior to the election). The majority then rules.

Section IV - Elections will be held on the first Tuesday of November, or the first meeting thereafter, when 55% attendance of the voting membership (see article IV, Section III) is achieved. New officers then will take office in the month of January.

Amendmant to Article III
To become an officer of the Club, you must be a member, in good standing of the Club, one year prior to your nomination.

Article IV - Colors
Any patches or pins will be at the discretion of the Club or member, provided they are non-offensive and in good taste, and if found to be offensive or in bad taste will be ruled on by the sitting officers. In the event that club paraphernalia is lost or stolen the member will be disciplined and fined.

Article V - Amendments
Twice a year, in September and March, amendments to this constitution shall be made only with the approval of a standard majority of 55% of the total voting membership (See ARTICLE IV, Section III), which must be present to conduct such business.

Amendment to Article V
Any changes to the by-laws should be brought up at the January or July meeting. Discussion on the proposed changes will be discussed at the February or August meeting, and then printed in the newsletter. A vote on the by-law change will be taken at the March or September meeting.

Article VI - Meetings
Section I - Meetings shall be held on the first Tuesday of the month. The President will set the meeting time. If a meeting falls on a holiday, it will be rescheduled on the following Tuesday evening.

Section II - Special meetings can be called anytime by the President of the Club.

Section III - The order of business for all regular meetings shall be specified below:

A. Meeting called to order
B. Roll call
C. Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting and approval
D. Treasurer's report
E. Committee Reports
F. Old unfinished business
G. New business
H. Adjournment

Section IV - Every motion shall be voted on before adjournment

Section V - Misconduct at any time during a meeting will not be tolerated. Violators will be expelled from the meeting. The third expulsion from meetings in a year constitutes termination of his/her club membership.

Section VI - A member is considered "active" as long as his or her dues are paid, with no attendance requirements. However, in order to keep voting rights, (meaning to vote in elections and by-law changes), members must attend one meeting in the past three (3) months prior to the vote. Absentee ballots may be sent to people who are working and cannot attend the meeting to vote in person, but who are eligible to have their vote counted as an active member. Participation in Club activities will be assigned by the President, if necessary. Voluntary participation is encouraged.